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Human & Public Service


Dual Credit

Education Pathway

  • Triton and Northeastern IL University
    • EDFN 215 School as a Social Institution (NEIU)
    • ISCS 103 Introduction to Inner City Studies (NEIU)
    • ECE 110  Early Childhood Education (Triton)
    • ECE 111  Introduction to Early Childhood Education (Triton)

Culinary Arts and Hospitality

  • Triton
    • HIA 115 Food Sanitation & Safety
    • HIA 130 Culinary Arts Quantity - Food Prep 1
    • HIA 110 Introduction to Hospitality Industry
    • HIA 150 Food Preparation Essentials & Theory

Criminal Justice and Government

  • Triton
    • Principles of Effective Speaking (SPE 101)
    • First Responder/Emergency Medical Responder (EMS 121) (E)
    • Intro to Psychology (PSY 100) (R)


Work Based Learning

Education Pathway

  • tutor in the School-Within-A-School program at Ridgewood
  • tutor and mentor students at our local partner schools
  • observe K-12 teachers.
  • other professionals in Administration, Student Services, and Special Education.
  • teach mini lessons to small groups of students at local schools
  • complete a mini student experience during the last semester of the pathway.

Culinary Arts and Hospitality

  • Working with the student cafeteria
  • Cooking with Rise and Shine and/or PEERS classes and LIFE Program
  • Central Baptist culinary aide for the nursing home

Criminal Justice and Government

  • Volunteer with a campaign - canvass the vote 
  • Observe at city hall 
  • Ride along with the Police 
  • Get a petition
  • Get the vote out! Text, poster
  • Election judges
  • Attend committee meetings 
  • Assist lobbyists - profit and non-profit 
  • Join an interest group
  • Shadow a post office worker/mailperson
  • Phone bank for a candidate, political party, interest group, voting 
  • Meet with and interview state representative/senator, national senators and representative
  • Volunteer at a law office  
  • Observe a state Senate session or General Assembly session 
  • ISBE State Student Panel 
  • Create marketing materials for interest groups/campaigns
  • Invite an elected official to speak to students/a group
  • Political journalism/blogs/articles
  • Use Ridgewood connections and alumni - the mayor, chief of police, Norridge trustees 


Team Based Challenges

Education Pathway    

  • Mapping Project: Future teachers should know the neighborhood in which they will teach in order to best serve their students. To this end, teams of EdPath students will select a Chicago neighborhood to research and present to the class. Each team will visit the neighborhood to collect the following information. Then, they will gather their research and present it to the class:
    • Teams of students will teach a lesson specific to the level and content areas of interest.
    • Students will be given a classroom scenario from which they must build their lessons.    

Culinary Arts and Hospitality

  • Plan a trip abroad 

  • Problem solving: transportation, language skills, dietary needs/restrictions

  • Investigation: websites, travel agency

  • Budget planning: costs of where to stay, what to do/see, costs

  • Rate customer service and accommodations of different hotels, restaurants

  • Incorporating cultural food experiences in Italian courses. I.E. Carnivale Food Competition

Criminal Justice and Government

  • Start: Research the issues in their community; interview affected parties; interview people in related government services
  • Organize a fundraiser or community service project 
  • Create a policy proposal to address an issue in the community
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