Mark Lippstreuer
Club Meetings
Wednesday, 2:15 check in with Editors, Library
The Rebellion offers creative students an outlet for an array of journalistic areas. Students are given the freedom to pursue their passion and nurture their creative talents and their work is showcased in a full color glossy school news magazine as well as a news website. Although the club consist of a core group of editors and staff, any student is welcome to submit articles, photographs, and literary works for publishing.
In short, students can work in whatever area they would like. In the past students have made comics, published chapters of novels, restaurant reviews, and even attended concerts to write reviews. The club also offers a great platform for writing, drawing and photography as well as the written word. We like to take one field trip each year in the spring to celebrate the year. We are also responsible for "The Nucleus" which is the senior notable magazine presented to the graduating class on the day of their graduation ceremony.
We love to give away candy in our great candy give away during the Homecoming Carnival as well as showcase various clubs and their accomplishments, activities and advertisements of all the good things that are happening at Ridgewood High School.
Social Media
website: rebellionrhs.wixsite.com/newspaper