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Postsecondary Workforce Readiness Act (PWR) - To ensure all students are college and career ready when they leave high school.   The PWR Act 99-0674 was signed into Illions law July 29, 2016.  The legislation supported by ISBE has four components to ensure the successful transition of high school students into College and Careers. 


  1. Creating a Postsecondary and Career Expectation (PaCE) framework for each school
  2. Competency Based High School Graduation Requirements
  3. Transitional Math to avoid remediation (Transition English soon to follow)
  4. College and Career Pathway Endorsements on High School Diplomas


Ridgewood faculty  has worked with our community college, four year universities, experts in the fields, and business partners to ensure we are fully implementing all four components of the PWR act to provide our students with the best opportunities to be successful as they transition to college and careers.

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